The Homeowners Concept Advantage
Since 1984, Homeowners Concept program has proved overwhelmingly successful. We have SOLD thousands of properties (23,000+) and SAVED sellers well over $74MM in commissions! We have accomplished this by providing MAXIMUM marketing (to get HIGHEST sales price) AND having highly skilled, full time, seasoned agents who are truly dedicated to real estate and assisting sellers and buyers achieve their goals. We are also the ONLY large real estate company to have had an A+ rating with BBB for 34+ years!
It’s this real estate expertise that one can count on to sell and sell at the Highest price possible. A typical agent in a 6% company does just a few transactions a year and spends a lot of time prospecting for new clients due to others offering the same service for the same high commission. As a result, traditional offices are like a revolving door. Large companies have to continually hire and train new agents. They count on each agent to at least attract a relative/friend or spend enough money of their own to attract a client outside their sphere of influence. It takes considerable time and money for traditional agents to convince the consumer to pay the exorbitant commissions and to differentiate themselves from the competition. Traditional agents then are left with less time to do actual real estate work and stay in business long enough to become skilled in the industry. After a couple of years in business many quit or resort to part time status and get a full time job to survive.
On the other hand, Homeowners Concept hires just enough dedicated experienced agents so that they are busy closing a lot of homes (4 times more than the average agent!). Furthermore, we offer one of the most sophisticated marketing programs in the industry. We maximize the marketing for the properties for sale, creating buyer demand that can help a home sell for its highest possible price which along with our low fees allows a seller to walk away with the most money from the closing table.
ESTATE at 1.5% or 3.9%!

Outstanding Service
Great Zillow Reviews
A+ BBB Rating – Since 1984!